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Essays from Slavoj Zizek, Julie Reshe, Peter Rollins, Mark Murphy, Cadell Last and Matt McManus
Slavoj Žižek, A Pascalean Wager Against Scientific Determinism
Julie Reshe, Forgive and Die
Matt McManus, Marx and Christianity Redux
Cadell Last, Building with Contradiction in the Void left to us after the Death of God
Peter Rollins, Church of the Contradiction
Mark Murphy, Herbert McCabe and Lacan
"It is difficult to find a better example of Pascal’s Divertissement than in the eternal chase that Wile-E Coyote has given himself to in his pursuit of the roadrunner. One might even imagine that Wile-E continues to use the hopelessly flawed company Acme precisely because the products are so bad. It is as if he unconsciously knows that should they actually work, and he were to catch the roadrunner, this success would actually be the worst form of abject failure."
- Peter Rollins